During the current pandemic, there is much uncertainty as we are bombarded with messages from the media on a continuous basis.
To provide you some peace-of-mind in such times, we have included three documents that may help you form some decisions during the shutdown including:
Your Portfolio
We review current investment performance of your portfolio and the potential impact of selling your investments to cash.
Please find the Market Volatility document here.
Centrelink Entitlements
Should you have your Centrelink benefits reassessed?
- Are you eligible for the Jobseeker payment?
- How do you contact Centrelink to be reassessed or to make a claim?
Please find the Centrelink document here.
Government Stimulus Package
We summarise:
- Coronavirus Supplement
- Coronavirus compassionate grounds release of super
- Account-based income stream values
- Self-managed super funds to receive rent relief
- Temporary change to the JobSeeker Partner Income Test
- Deductions for expenses related to working from home
- Early Childhood Education & Care Relief Package
Please find the Government Stimulus document here.
To anyone who is seeking assistance: book an initial consultation at one of our office locations in The Junction, Erina and Sydney CBD.
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