Seeking advice from a qualified Aged Care Financial Adviser when a loved one needs to enter care will provide you with clarity and guidance to ensure that you are making the right decisions.
For most families, this is an incredibly emotional time and not always a smooth transition. Many need to continually assure their loved one that nursing homes have improved and that they will receive quality care, decent meals and regular visits from friends and family.
On the other hand, significant financial decisions regarding your loved one’s assets and income will come into play. Questions you may need to ask yourself include:
- Can we afford the chosen facility?
- Should their house be sold or rented out?
- What are the next steps for any investments or shares and how these decisions will impact any pensions being received?
Ultimately, you do not need to travel these roads alone. Teaming with a qualified Aged Care Financial Adviser could be one of the best decisions you make.
Newcastle Financial Planning Group has helped clients:
- find a suitable facility,
- complete Centrelink paperwork,
- ensure their pension entitlements are correct,
- increase income where possible, whilst
- reducing aged care fees where we can.
We help you to:
- decide which assets and investments to keep and/or sell,
- how to avoid or minimise any potential capital gains tax,
- whether to keep, sell or rent the family home,
- work out whether couples entering care should enter on the same date or separate dates, and
- correct estate planning mistakes that could end up seeing aged care costs increase significantly or issues arising for beneficiaries.
At Newcastle Financial Planning Group, we are a team of qualified financial planners with experience in all aspects of financial planning and we do Aged Care advice well.
We provide a thorough service to help you make the right decisions and provide you with the clarity you need, so you can relax knowing that you or your loved one have quality of life in appropriate care, you have achieved this with the greatest financial efficiency and that the financial situation is effectively structured for the future.
Call us before you make any decisions or changes to any of your assets. We can work with you to ensure that all matters are considered so you know exactly how much your care will cost and the best way to manage assets, so your family’s legacy is not placed at risk.
Take the first step and book an initial consultation at one of our office locations in The Junction, Erina, Terrigal and Sydney CBD.
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